A new feature has been added - tagging system for posts!
Up to 8 tags per message can be added
Minimum 3 and maximum 22 characters per tag
Use a coma or space to separate the tags
As you enter the tag, a drop-down list will display previously used tags with the same first three letters
You can view the tag cloud and list of tags from the menu bar
Clicking on a tag will list all the posts associated with that tag
Hint: To add tags that are more than one word, use a '-' to separate the words (as long as they are under 22 characters).
Note: As of right now, tags cannot be added to posts that did not previously have tags; I'm currently working on a fix for this. You can now edit all of your old posts and add tags!For now,
at least one tag is required when writing a new post. I'm debating whether to keep it that way, or make it optional. Let me know what you think.
I encourage everyone to add tags to your posts from this point on. It will help all of us find posts related to specific topics and key words much easier.