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YouTube viewership down?
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June 23, 2013, 03:03:21 PM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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Well, it's been two weeks since YouTube forced me to the new design and so far:

   :b1: New subscribers have slowed to a crawl
   :b1: Video views have dropped significantly
   :b1: Comments on my videos have all but disappeared

When I look at the analytic data charts for each video, it affirms this conclusion. Anyone else find their viewership and activity down since switching to the new design?
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June 25, 2013, 05:16:00 AM
  • kiwibirch
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You've got a fantastic Youtube channel are there any others doing high quality
vinyl videos? any suggestions?

November 19, 2013, 01:34:18 PM
  • GoodVinylLover
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I'm not happy with YouTube either  >:( Now they make having a Google+ account in order to post comments... enough is enough, I'm considering leaving YT.

Has anyone tried Vimeo? I created an account and uploaded a test video:

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November 20, 2013, 06:54:34 AM
  • lshin80
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I hate what Google has done to YouTube. YT was merely used to have a huge pool of users for Google+, so that it could compete with facebook and twitter.
If it wasn't for people I'm following, I'd have left YouTube immediatly.
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November 20, 2013, 07:07:13 AM
  • GoodVinylLover
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I hate what Google has done to YouTube. YT was merely used to have a huge pool of users for Google+, so that it could compete with facebook and twitter.
If it wasn't for people I'm following, I'd have left YouTube immediatly.

You're right! Just today a YT colleague told me that you NEED a Google+ account in order to upload a video directly from your Smartphone. What'll be next?  >:(

Vimeo's quality of audio/image seems to be at least as good as YT's. The appearance of the site is more refined and clearer IMO. Also they have a greater degree of tolerance to the violation of Copyright while YT blocked maaany of my videos... Vimeo is better than YT overall but its weakness is the unpopularity; which is not bad in a way...I mean, YT is way too overcrowded and there's a lot of crappy videos and rude people, but Vimeo is maybe a bit too unpopular...I think I even hear the eco of my test video in there LOL. On the other hand, maybe Vimeo is a good place to start a nice and polite vinyl/analogue community :) There's only a few videos of analogue music in there... what do you think? :)

November 20, 2013, 08:09:11 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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I fixed the code for embedding Vimeo videos!   8)

Just paste the share address in a message like this:

Code: [Select]

George Benson - Ballerina (Vinyl) on Vimeo

The only issue I see is that Vimeo blocks some videos from being played in HD when they're embedded. I'm not sure if there's a workaround for that or not - I'll have to do more research.

I haven't tried commenting on a YouTube video lately, but they keep bugging me to choose which account I want to use when I login - my original YouTube channel name or my Google+ name, which is really annoying. I bet in the near future they will force all the channels to use their Google+ account names, which is really going to stink.  >:(

I did notice that some of the comments on my videos were flagged as spam - not by the users, but by YouTube; and when I try to manually approve the comments - nothing happens.  It's like YouTube has a mind of it's own, or that part of the website functionality wasn't coded yet. >:(
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 10:01:53 AM by Admin »

November 20, 2013, 02:38:37 PM
  • GoodVinylLover
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Oh thanks!  :D That's very kind of you  :) Let me try...

"One Shot Video": Los Burros - Hazme Sufrir (Vinyl) on Vimeo

It seems that it allows you to upload 1 video in HD per week. This second one has been compressed to SD. Anyway the sound is still AAC 48/16 320kbps. BTW, I tried to upload a video with this song to YT several times and it was blocked at every single attempt...

uh, they provide a link in order to download the videos very easily, cool!  8)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2013, 06:15:59 AM by GoodVinylLover »

November 20, 2013, 02:49:26 PM
  • GoodVinylLover
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I haven't tried commenting on a YouTube video lately, but they keep bugging me to choose which account I want to use when I login - my original YouTube channel name or my Google+ name, which is really annoying.

I did notice that some of the comments on my videos were flagged as spam - not by the users, but by YouTube; and when I try to manually approve the comments - nothing happens.  It's like YouTube has a mind of it's own, or that part of the website functionality wasn't coded yet. >:(

Yep, I also experienced these two issues...  >:(

November 21, 2013, 07:33:06 AM
  • lshin80
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I haven't tried commenting on a YouTube video lately, but they keep bugging me to choose which account I want to use when I login - my original YouTube channel name or my Google+ name, which is really annoying. I bet in the near future they will force all the channels to use their Google+ account names, which is really going to stink.  >:(
I tried to use a different user name for Google+, but it automatically changed also my YouTube account name!!!  :bang: :dh:
So I ended up using my real name for both... :-X

November 22, 2013, 07:52:59 AM
  • GoodVinylLover
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I tried to use a different user name for Google+, but it automatically changed also my YouTube account name!!!  :bang: :dh:

One time (I still don't know how it happened) I posted a reply to one of my videos and my real name (my Google+ account name) appeared  :o I erased the reply and I needed to do a research in order to find out how to come back to my "normal state" :(

I told one of my YT followers (he has an analogue based YT channel as well) about my plans to leave YT and move to Vimeo and he's moving there, he's had an account there for years but never really used it until now actually ... I think I'm likely to follow his footsteps.

December 19, 2013, 06:13:41 AM
  • GoodVinylLover
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Finally, the announcement has been made  ;D

I've moved to Vimeo

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