I own a few 45 RPM reissues and while I do enjoy the slight edge in sound quality (on some of them), I do agree the price premium over the 33 RPM issue is a major drawback. You can't simply be paying for the extra slab of vinyl since I recently picked up a few 33 RPM releases that were 2 disk sets for under $25.
Plus, some of the 45 rpm's I have actually sound worse since my Zyx cartridges tends to be picky and temperamental playing at that speed. Zyx cartridges become very sensitive to anti-skate force when tracking @ 45 rpm resulting in slight distortion in either the right or left channel, depending on anti-skate setting.

I am looking forward to one reissue coming soon from Analogue Productions on 45 rpm: Stevie Ray Vaughn's 'The Sky is Crying'. It's one of my favorite Stevie Ray Vaughn's albums, but at $49 I am hesitant. Especially when $49 can buy a nice stack of used records in near-mint condition at my local record store.
But then again, I'm really curious to hear how good 'Little Wing' will sound @ 45 rpm.