Here's a rough mix of a song that I'm working on entitled 'Alone with the Dawn' by
Greg Demeter: features two Martin acoustic guitar tracks (recorded with a Neumann TLM 102; one panned left, the other right); an electric rhythm guitar track (Kramer strat copy) going through a Fractal Audio Axe-FX Ultra; a Fender PJ Bass guitar going direct; and a lead guitar using the Kramer and Axe-FX. The drums are EZ Drummer 2 (everything but the snare) and Superior Drummer for the snare drum. The vocals were recorded using a Neumann TLM 102 going through a Grace M101 mic pre.
I'm looking for some feedback on the levels, compression and EQ of each instrument, trying to find the right balance. The rhythm and lead guitar parts are using the same patch, so they tend to muddy up the mid-range a bit. All comments, suggestions and critiques would be greatly appreciated.