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New all-in-one turntable from VPI introduced - $995 Nomad
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December 21, 2013, 11:30:41 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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  • Turntable: Rega P25

VPI's all-in-one Nomad turntable features a Ortofon 2M Red cartridge, a 10 inch tonearm, 20 pound platter and plinth assembly, a built-in phono preamplifier with an integrated headphone amplifier and a pair of Grado headphones.

With vinyl selling at its highest levels in decades, turntable manufacturers have recognized younger consumers are a major force driving analog audio’s renaissance.

VPI Industries, based in Cliffwood, N.J., has diversified its product lineup in recent years to cater to a new generation of consumers through products like the Traveler and its new Nomad turntable that will start shipping in early 2014.

The Nomad is designed for younger consumers who are new to vinyl and budget-minded consumers who want to get back into vinyl without incurring the major expenses associated with the purchase of a turntable, phono preamplifier, cartridge and other accessories.

The Nomad features a 10-inch aluminum tonearm that’s outfitted with an Ortofon 2M Red phono cartridge, and a 20-pound plinth and platter assembly that has trickled down from its popular Traveler turntable.

Making the turntable truly user friendly is a built-in phono preamplifier and headphone amplifier that VPI says enables a variety of users to instantly get into a complete vinyl playback solution without having to make a major investment into the format or their existing audio/video systems.

“The Nomad is a direct response to the double-digit sales growth over the past five years of new vinyl in both the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. The tonearm takes advantage of the technology in our award-winning Traveler turntable and its gimbaled tonearm,” explains Mat Weisfield, president, VPI Industries. “The Nomad is a radical departure for VPI. Even with the success of our entry level Traveler turntable that opened our eyes to the demand for affordable, high-end turntables among the 25- to 35-year-old demographic.

“The explosive growth of personal audio and the growing demand among consumers for premium headphones, convinced us that there was a need for a portable, high-quality, entry-level analog playback systems that could work easily in college dorms, apartments, offices and even vacation homes.”

VPI expects its Nomad turntable to begin shipping in early 2014 with an MSRP of $995.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 10:28:55 AM by Admin »
Rega P25 - Zyx Omega G - Zyx R100H - Audio Research PH5 - Denon DP-52F - Denon DL-103D - Stax SRM-D50 & L700's - HiFiMan Arya - Focal Elex - RME ADI-2 Pro FS

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December 21, 2013, 02:55:33 PM
  • shadowlord
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while it looks like a nice all in one package, i find it a bit expensive for the target audience.
> Rega RP8 / Audio Technica AT440mla -> Exposure 3010 s2d.
> Dual CS5000 / Ortofon 2m blue -> AMC 3100 mkII.

December 21, 2013, 04:25:30 PM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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  • Turntable: Rega P25
I agree. I think the target price should be more like $499 ~ $599. It's an interesting concept, but I don't think they'll sell many with a MSRP of $995.

December 23, 2013, 06:58:00 AM
  • lshin80
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Quality is expensive. You can't have a decent quality turntable for less than $500. Considering it has a cartridge, a built in phono preamp, a headphones amplifier, and even Grado headphones, the price looks reasonable to me (assuming the overall quality is good, of course).

Teenagers need to understand what quality is, and what its price is. I'd save on something else, like a smartphone and a tablet, if I was a teenager who wants to get into vinyl.
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