We are experiencing major connection issues with the social login service Oneall.com, which we use to authenticate users who log in using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Google+ accounts. In fact, the slow website response is directly tied to issues with Oneall.com's API service. Before I remove their service, I wanted to take a poll to find out what people are using to login; either manually logging in or using a linked social website account. If I remove it, I can replace it with a faster, more direct system that allows Facebook and Twitter accounts, but I would lose the ability to use YouTube, Yahoo and Google login accounts.
Which do you prefer - the option to use multiple social website accounts using the Oneall service, or replacing it with the two largest social networks - Facebook and Twitter?
If the Oneall servers continue to have problems, we may have no choice but to discontinue using Oneall.com's login service.
Let me know what you think.
The Vinyl Audio Team