I stayed up late the night before and slept half the day away on Saturday.

I woke up with a headache, so I just hung out all day cleaning my garage, listening to vinyl (I have a Yamaha turntable and Onkyo receiver out there). Here I am, the admin of a vinyl website; and I didn't even make an effort to get out to the local record store and celebrate the one day a year dedicated to the hobby I love.

You mentioned Type O Negative; and what's really strange - I had no idea Peter Steele passed away in 2010. I went to the official website to see if I could find a clip of the Deep Purple song and I was shocked to find out that he died. Once of my favorite songs by Type O is 'Everything Dies' and seeing his obit gave me chills. It's a very powerful and emotional song that really hits home with me. The video is awesome too.
I would love to see the Type O catalog re-released on vinyl - especially 'October Rust'.