I used Herbie Audio Dampening sheets. My motor is as isolated as it can be, while still being hard mounted. Was very careful not to tighten the bolt too tight. just enough to get the full benefits of the dampening sheets.
I also figured out why my Rega ran fast. Its due to the lack of tension of the belts. Here are the results using the iRPM app.
1. Rega White belt - 34.5
2. Oa 13.2 Belt from Turntbale basics - 34.1
3. For the third test. I had some wide thick rubber bands that I put over the diameter of the Subplatter and with the Oa Belt. Its around 33.3 . Perfect.
Wish there was a way to adjust the motor to move it back some.

I have another belt coming in this week which cost $9.50 shipped.