by Alexeyder
by jackhicks121
Any classical music video in the future?P.S. I've put your More Than A Feeling video as the featured video in my YouTube channel page, if you don't mind.
"The second reason I posted videos was, it was my way to contribute to the growing 'vinyl community' that began forming through Youtube".Well it worked on me...after years without a hifi I was wondering what to get now I have a little money to spend on a system. Your recording of "The Big Money" (along with your other YT tracks) convinced me to go back to vinyl. Cheers! any chance you can do the rest of the album? I think Power Windows is the best Rush ever sounded.
The needle looks like it's near the end of the first track...could it be Cliffs of Dover?No.....I reckon it's Trademark, as that's the better sonic showcase toon IMO - looking forward to this one a lot whichever it is.
Started by Admin on Video Editing
Started by Kaitlin Marie Kaschak on Youtube Discussions
Started by GoodVinylLover on Videos