
by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder

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by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder


by Alexeyder

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Two new videos almost done!
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March 09, 2012, 04:41:12 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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I'm in the process of editing two new videos, here a couple screenshots:
Rega P25 - Zyx Omega G - Zyx R100H - Audio Research PH5 - Denon DP-52F - Denon DL-103D - Stax SRM-D50 & L700's - HiFiMan Arya - Focal Elex - RME ADI-2 Pro FS

March 10, 2012, 07:12:38 AM
  • lshin80
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Any classical music video in the future?
P.S. I've put your More Than A Feeling video as the featured video in my YouTube channel page, if you don't mind.
Pro-Ject RPM 5.1 • Denon DL-110 • Sony BDP-S373 • Fred Nachbaur High Precision Tube Phono Preamp • Nuova Elettronica FET preamp • Nuova Elettronica IGBT power amp • Mission 701 • Clicktronic cables • Norstone Loudspeaker Cable

March 10, 2012, 10:17:28 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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Any classical music video in the future?
P.S. I've put your More Than A Feeling video as the featured video in my YouTube channel page, if you don't mind.

I do have 1812 overture on MFSL, but it's a bit scratchy. I'll have to take a look at what I have, I might be able to find something.  ;)

Awesome! You guys can share/post/link to any of my videos all you want, I appreciate and encourage it.   8)

I'm promoting the website and forum in my recent videos with hope that more people will stop by the forum and join. I know there is a lot of people each day stopping by and reading/lurking around in the forum and the membership is slowly growing. I love talking about music and audio equipment and hopefully more people will begin to share their thoughts and ideas here in the forum. I'm not one to sit in front of a camera and talk about stuff; I would rather share and interact with people through posts in the forum.

I started posting Youtube videos for a couple of reasons, the first and foremost reason was to demonstrate just how good vinyl records can sound. When I started uploading videos, there wasn't many on Youtube with high quality audio and I thought it was unfair when people posted unfavorable comments towards vinyl, so I thought if they could only hear it directly, they could hear the sound quality and understand the passion people have for vinyl records. I wanted the audio to be as pure as possible, with the best sound quality I could offer. I know through the feedback I received that most people became 'converts' by watching my videos. I love vinyl records and the more people I can introduce to the format, the better.  :)

The second reason I posted videos was, it was my way to contribute to the growing 'vinyl community' that began forming through Youtube. I really don't want to sit in front of a camera and talk, but I wanted to contribute my thoughts in the discussions, communicate, share and chat with other people who love vinyl records. I quickly found out that using Youtube to chat with people was very limiting since you can only type 500 characters, so I got the idea to start a website and fourm where we can talk without limitations.

Here, we have the freedom to type as much as we want, share pictures, our Youtube videos, and talk at length about records, music in general and audio equipment. I know there are other people who would like to share in the Youtube discussions and community, but prefer not to sit in front of a camera and talk. I figured the forum could be a natural extension of what we do and share on Youtube. I exchanged a lot of messages with people in private through Youtube, giving advice and talking about records and equipment in general. I thought a lot of the conversations would be helpful and interesting to other people, so I always encouraged them to join the forum and post on here so we can all share, discuss and benefit from it.

January 04, 2013, 08:55:59 AM
  • jimification
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"The second reason I posted videos was, it was my way to contribute to the growing 'vinyl community' that began forming through Youtube".

Well it worked on me...after years without a hifi I was wondering what to get now I have a little money to spend on a system. Your recording of "The Big Money" (along with your other YT tracks) convinced me to go back to vinyl. Cheers! any chance you can do the rest of the album? ;) I think Power Windows is the best Rush ever sounded.

January 09, 2013, 06:42:52 PM
  • jimification
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The needle looks like it's near the end of the first track...could it be Cliffs of Dover?

No.....I reckon it's Trademark, as that's the better sonic showcase toon IMO - looking forward to this one a lot whichever it is.

January 10, 2013, 01:14:33 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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"The second reason I posted videos was, it was my way to contribute to the growing 'vinyl community' that began forming through Youtube".

Well it worked on me...after years without a hifi I was wondering what to get now I have a little money to spend on a system. Your recording of "The Big Money" (along with your other YT tracks) convinced me to go back to vinyl. Cheers! any chance you can do the rest of the album? ;) I think Power Windows is the best Rush ever sounded.

Welcome to the forum Jimification!

I agree - Power Windows is definitely one of the best sounding Rush albums. I do have more videos planned from Rush and the Power Windows album. The next one I had planned was 'Territories'. Here's a sample of the song, recorded the same day I made the 'Big Money' video:

Rush -'Territories'
This was done with my Rega P25, Zyx Omega G cartridge and Apogee Rosetta AD 48K converter.

For me, Rush went downhill (production wise) after 'Roll the Bones'. 'Counterparts' and 'Test for Echo' had great music, but the recording quality began to suffer. 'Vapor Trails' was an absolutely horrible train wreck, sound quality wise. 'Snakes and Arrows' was another disappointment, at least the CD release was. The music itself was great, but it was the first album recorded and produced by Nick Raskulinecz. 'Clockwork Angels' was also recorded and produced Nick Raskulinecz and the CD release sounds digital and compressed. The vinyl release is a little better, but still lacks the punch and dynamics of a true analog recording. IMHO, Rush should have stayed with the same recording methods and equipment that were used for Moving Pictures and Power Windows.

I think part of the problem is some 'Pro Tools' studios use the generic, crappy AD converters built into the Avid/Digidesign ADAT interfaces instead of investing in high quality outboard AD converters. I'm guessing some of the reasons why they don't is because of cost and added complexity. Twenty four channels of high-end AD conversion would cost a huge amount of money. The end result is harsh, 'digital' sounding recordings and mixes done 'in the box' that have way to much compression added which flattens out the dynamics and punch. Personally, I still prefer the sound of a 2" tape machine running @ 15ips.  :)

January 10, 2013, 01:22:19 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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The needle looks like it's near the end of the first track...could it be Cliffs of Dover?

No.....I reckon it's Trademark, as that's the better sonic showcase toon IMO - looking forward to this one a lot whichever it is.

Actually, it is 'Cliffs of Dover' - complete with the 'Ah Via Musicom' intro.  ;)


April 10, 2013, 12:01:18 PM
    • VinylAudio.net
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After getting my first YouTube strike, I'm kind of hesitant on posting new videos. I planned on uploading an Eric Johnson vinyl video, but now, it seems what I thought would be a 'safe' song choice, may not be.

I originally thought that if a song was sold along side a video (Amazon and iTunes links) - the publisher was OK with using the video to generate revenue by selling the song (or placing ads on the video), so the song could be considered 'safe'. It turns out not to be the case. Even older videos with thousands of plays and Amazon/iTunes links are being randomly flagged by publishers for removal.

My Jimi Hendrix 'Little Wing' video was removed after being up for almost a year and it did have the Amazon/iTunes links, yet it was still taken down.

You would think the added sales and interest the video generates for the artist would be appreciated by the publisher, but that's not always the case. It seems YouTube takes it upon themselves to automatically offer the links to sell the song by default, then wait for the publisher to file a complaint; then remove the video and place a strike on the channel.

Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject, maybe some guidelines or experience they can share?

April 11, 2013, 06:29:55 AM
  • lshin80
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I think only classical music (before 1900) is totally safe. That is, music that nobody can claim rights upon.

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