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How far off is my Rega P25 platter speed?
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March 19, 2012, 12:25:54 AM
  • migkiller1971
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Damn it, i got here too late.... I also cut my Pulley up to the allen key hole. What I did was to place the Flat end of a screw Driver on the motor spindle forming a "T shape" and used my fingers to pull upward on the pulley very carefully keeping as much pressure off of the motor. it Came off without any trouble. My motor is ridiculously "Quiet" and would never mess with it. "My Best Guess" would be now that your motor has an Up and down motion, Does your belt follow suit? Can you see the belt go in an up and down motion? This could be the reason for it to go slower. Another thing that I noticed, was that our motor doesn't have a motor thrust bearing like the newer Rega TT. thrust bearing are supposed to steady the motor spindle, get rid of all the play and lower the floor noise.  If it were me, I would buy an after market Rega Motor thrust bearing before investing $225 on a new motor. If the Motor is shot than You can easily sell the Rega Motor thrust bearing as it works on many Rega turntables. i know at least one guy with a Rega P5 that changed the Thrust bearing after his P5 started making a TSK,TSK,TSK sound. Hope this helps


The next question is, what type of grease should I use with the bearing? It was kind of dry with a small, flat, worn spot on it. Without the bearing on the motor, it runs noise free. The spring in the thrust bearing cup puts a lot of upward pressure on the shaft, so the bushings inside the motor become more important; yet there's nothing you can do to grease them.


molybdenum grease
Rega P25, Ebony Denon 103r, Cinemag SUT, Hagerman Cornet 2, Aikido Octal Linestage, Denon Poa 1500, Axiom M60

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March 19, 2012, 12:28:29 AM
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  • BSD2000
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  • Turntable: Rega P25
So we do have a thrust bearing!! That Picture is crazy! I'm no expert but That makes no sense, So the Bearing sits on top of the Spring? after time and so many revolutions, you would think that the spring would wear out at the end where it meets the bearing. If you look at the thrust bearing from SRM, There is no spring but an allen key nut that looks like it has a Cup Design for the bearing to sit in and move freely. anything is better than $225 buck for a new motor. And I have not heard any positives reviews on that. Sooner or later mine will eventual act up and I'll know exactly what to look for.

it looks like the ball bearing doesn't move - the spring locks it into a stationary position and the motor shaft just spins in contact with the bearing surface. There was a small amount of red grease on the ball when I pulled it out so I'm guessing some type of axle grease is being used.

Did you see the LP Turntables replacement thrust bearing? It looks promising for under $13. To bad it takes weeks to receive anything in the mail from them.  :-X  :)

I think the stock bearing spring is to stiff and puts to much upward pressure on the motors internal bushings. What would be ideal is just enough pressure to 'float' the shaft motor and stabilize it. Too much pressure can effect the drag on the motor, slowing it down.

Does anyone know what the two round adjustment pots are for on the motor PC board?
Rega P25 - Zyx Omega G - Zyx R100H - Audio Research PH5 - Denon DP-52F - Denon DL-103D - Stax SRM-D50 & L700's - HiFiMan Arya - Focal Elex - RME ADI-2 Pro FS

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