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Missed out on a Rega P7 - TWICE!
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August 04, 2011, 08:36:04 AM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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  • Turntable: Rega P25
Last week, I spotted a mint Rega P7 (with a cherry wood surround) on Audiogon for a 'Buy Now' option of $1600. It was exactly what I was looking for to replace my VPI Scoutmaster. It was listed up there for over a month at $1900 and nobody seemed interested. I thought about, and pondering the idea of buying it all day and night. I told myself before going to bed: 'If it's still there in the morning, I'm buying it.'. Well, the next morning, it was still there! Could it be a sign of fate?

So, I ate breakfast thinking it's going to disappear soon at that price and I better act quick. Time passed by and I thought about it some more. After all, $1600 is big chunk of change to spend on a used turntable. Dinner rolled around and as I ate, I thought if it's still there, I'm definitely going to buy it. Before eating dinner, I had clicked the 'Buy Now' button and was one click away from confirming my purchase. I was one click away from being the new owner.

After dinner, I went back to my computer and clicked the 'Buy Now' button...

'Item has been sold.'     ???  :o  :'(

I was so mad! I let the turntable I always wanted just slip right through my fingers.  :(

Well, I wasn't going to give up. That night I searched Ebay and I couldn't believe it when I saw it - right at the top of the list: another Rega P7 with a cherry wood surround! This one even came with a Rega Exact 2 cartridge to boot! Exactly what I wanted and what I had just missed on Audiogon! I felt like it was fate, it was my destiny. This was MY turntable - I just had to have it! I mean, what was the chances of seeing two Rega P7's in cherry wood in one day?

The bidding was only $425 with no reserve. I added it to my watch list and began to plan my bid strategy. I set my spending limit @ $2000, figuring it was worth the money with the included Exact 2 cartridge. I already had my Zyx R100H ready to install on it and didn't need the Exact cartridge, but I always wanted to hear what a Rega cartridge sounded like.

I waited a long 6 days to bid. I planned on bidding within the last 20 seconds and 'snipe the auction. By this time, the bidding was well over $1000, hovering around $1400 for the last few minutes. The clock ticked down. 3mins...2mins...1min...20 seconds...  The current bid was $1425. I clicked the bid button. I typed in $2055.99 as my maximum bid. I click the bid button again and... the current bid changed to $1600.

Huh? Wait, was that my bid, or someone else? Am I the high bidder? I quickly scanned the high bidder listed on the ad - IT WASN'T ME!!! Someone else was trying to snipe my bid! OMG! The clock was down to 3 seconds - I don't have time to bid! I went back and clicked the bid button again, typed in my bid, clicked on bid - but I didn't hit the 'confirm bid' button fast enough!

'Item is no longer available for bid.'


I missed it! I couldn't believe I missed it! I didn't win! This couldn't be happening to me - again! The winning bid was $1600; a steal for such a nice turntable with a decent cartridge. I was willing to pay a lot more then that! I was in shock. All of that waiting and planning - completely wasted on my own stupidity. I let the turntable of my dreams slip right through my fingertips.  :'(

So what did I learn from all of this?

2. If I see an item on Audiogon that I want, click the 'Buy Now' button without hesitating.

The only solace I have is that there are multiple universes in the grand scheme of things, and in one of those universes I did click it fast enough, and I won the auction. But in this universe, I lost.

As the saying goes, "He who hesitates is lost". That was my lesson of the week. I learned it the hard way. Twice in one week.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 10:22:02 AM by Admin »
Rega P25 - Zyx Omega G - Zyx R100H - Audio Research PH5 - Denon DP-52F - Denon DL-103D - Stax SRM-D50 & L700's - HiFiMan Arya - Focal Elex - RME ADI-2 Pro FS

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August 06, 2011, 06:32:41 AM
  • lshin80
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Don't worry, universe take care. You'll come across another P7, eventually ;D
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August 09, 2011, 08:00:21 PM
    • VinylAudio.net
  • BSD2000
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  • Turntable: Rega P25
Don't worry, universe take care. You'll come across another P7, eventually ;D

Thanks, I hope so.

I did come across a P9 on Audiogon, but by the time I replied - it was sold. It had maple wood trim, just what I wanted. They sold it a few minutes before I responded for $2800. I missed out again.  :(

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