Vinyl Audio

Equipment => Vinyl Ripping and Archiving => Topic started by: BSD2000 on January 02, 2013, 03:58:09 PM

Title: Upgrade Apogee 48K to 96K?
Post by: BSD2000 on January 02, 2013, 03:58:09 PM
I was taking a few pictures of the inside of the Apogee Rosetta 96K and the only obvious difference between the 48K and the 96K model is the 28 pin ROM chip. That got me thinking - could a 48K model be upgraded by simply replacing the ROM chip with code copied from a 96K chip?

Here's a picture of the 48K Rosetta:

Here's the 96K model:

I was looking on eBay and found a generic USB EEPROM reader/burner ( for $39 and I thought, what if I read the code from a 96K ROM chip and burned it to a new chip, then dropped it into the 48K Rosetta? Both models are otherwise identical - same AD chips, same Xilinx processor, same crystals, etc. The difference between the two seem to boil down to changes in software, not hardware.

Could it really be that simple?  :)
Title: Re: Upgrade Apogee 48K to 96K?
Post by: BSD2000 on January 05, 2013, 01:35:08 PM
I sent an email to Apogee and asked about the costs and process of upgrading a Rosetta AD:

The upgrade on the Rosetta AD is still available for $279.00 (USD) we prefer to have this done here so that our technicians can perform diagnostics, calibrate and return your Rosetta AD to factory settings."

So, it looks like they still offer upgrades, which I'm sure is little more than swapping out a 28-pin PROM chip. There is no 'factory settings' other than a few DIP switches on the back. Of course, if I feel adventurous, I could try the 96K PROM in the 48K Rosetta and see if it unlocks the 96K rate.  ;)

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